So is this Bootstrap html?

Hi I just wanted a better understanding of the limitations of this framework.

I am wondering if you have a demo with side menu instead of the nav menu

Quite a lot of HTML markup is the same (or very similar) with Bootstrap, but some are different (mainly Material themed elements which are not covered in Bootstrap, e.g. switch).

All the demo pages on have a out-of-canvas/sliding-out nav.

If you are looking for a consistent navigation drawer, this page can help.

Alternatively, you may find some simple nav examples on this page that can be useful in your case:

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sir can you make it polymer drawer-panel mobile layout
like swipe navigation

Hi. We have not added swipe support, but it is very easy for you to add swipe on your site. You need a javascript swipe plugin, once that is done, you can call menu('hide') or menu('show') when swipe is triggered.

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