Lucee session clustering with memcached storage in a Docker container

Adding support for memcached session storage to a container requires changes to both the project configuration and the nominated environment variables.

Lucee 4.5

Container Changes

Add the following items to your project Dockerfile. These are non-volatile changes so add the following lines near the top of your Dockerfile beneath the MAINTAINER:

# Files for memcached extension support
ADD /usr/local/tomcat/bin/
ADD /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/extensions/22E5066D7B123C5D4898C712C0438CFA/
ADD /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/context/web-context-deployment/admin/cdriver/
ADD /opt/lucee/web/context/
ADD /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/lib/
ADD /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/lib/
ADD /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/lib/ changes

Note these changes overwrite the default Tomcat script. If your container already has a custom file, you can add these lines to your script instead:

# substitute memcached variables into lucee-web xml config
sed --in-place -e "s/{env:LUCEE_SESSION_STORE}/${LUCEE_SESSION_STORE}/" -e "s/{env:LUCEE_SESSION_MEMCACHED_SERVERS}/${LUCEE_SESSION_MEMCACHED_SERVERS}/" /opt/lucee/web/lucee-web.xml.cfm

And don’t forget to remove the ADD ... /usr/local/tomcat/bin/ line from the Dockerfile.

lucee-server.xml changes

If your Dockerfile doesn’t already add a custom lucee-server.xml file, you will need to do so. This lucee-server.xml example works for 4.5, and contains the configuration changes you need for memcached support. If you’re going to use this template, download it and make the file part of your project build repo.

But if you already have a project level lucee-server.xml, you need to add the following code to the <extensions>...</extensions> block:

<!-- memcached extension; clustered session management -->
  author="Michael Offner" 
  created="{ts '2015-03-06 01:55:09'}" 
  description="Free and open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load." 
  label="Memcached driver (BETA)" 
  video="" />

lucee-web.xml.cfm changes

There are two changes for the lucee-web.xml.cfm file; adding the cache store and updating the scope.

Add the following code to the <cache>...</cache> block:

  storage="true" />

Note, we’re creating a reserved cache store name called sessions and we’ll look for this specifically when setting up a memcached sessions store.

Update the <scope /> tag to include these session-type, sessionmanagement and session-storage attributes:


Note, if you have a volume in your compose file that maps the lucee-web.xml.cfm you’re going to get some unexpected results as the script will be rewriting the variables and updating that file. Don’t check in changes that are simply these variables being re-written!

COPY configs in Dockerfile
Lucee XML config changes should be stored in the project environment repo and referenced in the Dockerfile like so:

# Lucee server configs
COPY config/lucee/lucee-server.xml /opt/lucee/server/lucee-server/context/lucee-server.xml
COPY config/lucee/lucee-web.xml.cfm /opt/lucee/web/lucee-web.xml.cfm

App Changes

FarCry Platform

If you’re running FarCry, update your farcryConstructor.cfm file. Add a default sessioncluster value:

<cfset THIS.sessioncluster = false />

And inside the check for bUseEnv (or instead of the line above if you don’t check), add this:

<cfset THIS.sessioncluster = system.getEnv("LUCEE_APPLICATION_SESSIONCLUSTER") />

Lesser CFML Apps

For those not running FarCry as a framework, you’ll need to update your session cluster setting in the Application.cfc

<cfset THIS.sessioncluster = system.getEnv("LUCEE_APPLICATION_SESSIONCLUSTER") />

Environment Variables

Your deployment process should set these variables:

LUCEE_SESSION_STORE The name of the memcached store added earlier, `sessions`. If unset, the container will use `memory` and default to in-memory session storage.
LUCEE_SESSION_MEMCACHED_SERVERS A URL encoded list of memcached hosts. Each line should be a host in the form `host1:port`.
LUCEE_APPLICATION_SESSIONCLUSTER `true` or `false`. If set to true, Lucee will check the session store for updates to the session on every request. If you are running sticky-sessions (and you trust them!) you could set this value to false to reduce network chatter between containers and the session store.

As an example, you might use these lines in a docker-compose.yml file:

    - "LUCEE_SESSION_STORE=sessions"

if you had a link to a memcached container called sessions like this:

      image: memcached
        - "11211"

Test Session Failover

If you can’t readily run a cluster of Lucee containers you can simulate a failover by stopping and starting the Lucee service. You may not be able to do this by simply stopping and starting the container, especialy if you are linking a local memcached store.

You can test a local installation to see if your specific set up is working by:

  • logging into the webtop (ie. establishing a session)
  • shutting down Tomcat/Lucee and show app is dead
  • restart Tomcat/Lucee and show you are still logged in

List your running containers.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                         NAMES
d2673526a6dd        yaffaenvdsp_yaffa-dsp       "supervisord -c /etc/"   7 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes        80/tcp, 443/tcp, 8080/tcp     yaffaenvdsp_yaffa-dsp_1
e46c9aca7487        memcached                   "/ memca"   16 minutes ago      Up 3 minutes        11211/tcp                     yaffaenvdsp_memcached_1
90edea92c5ef        dockerui/dockerui           "/dockerui"              4 months ago        Up 17 minutes>9000/tcp          dockerui
6d5c1d760a47        texthtml/docker-vhosts      "forego start -r"        4 months ago        Up 17 minutes       80/tcp, 443/tcp               docker_vhosts
46329e209fcf        daemonite/workbench-proxy   "/app/docker-entrypoi"   4 months ago        Up 17 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp   workbench_proxy

Attach a bash shell to the container.

$ docker exec -ti d2673526a6dd bash

Stop/Start tomcat to test session store

root@d2673526a6dd:/usr/local/tomcat# cd bin
root@d2673526a6dd:/usr/local/tomcat/bin# ./
root@d2673526a6dd:/usr/local/tomcat/bin# ./
Tomcat started.

h/t Daemonite @blair for doing most of the heavy lifting :wink:

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Small catch. Looks like a volume mapping to the lucee-web.xml.cfm on Windows will cause strife. This is because the SED line editor is making a change to a file that’s been mapped back into the project and Windows/VirtualBox doesn’t like it.

Solution. Just remove the volume mapping in your compose file.

@justin has a great update on how to install memcached based session clustering on Lucee 5.x

Thanks for the guide (@justin too).

Just wondering if there are any security considerations when deploying memcached like this? Or is the compose file, as displayed, sufficient?

Again, thanks!

It will depend on your set up. Referencing the memcached container as shown in a compose file restricts port access to linked containers only.

In hindsight, our example might have benefited from a more complete compose file.

The memcached container above, defined as a service called mycache, would be part of the same docker-compose.yml definition as the application container, and since it’s only a linked container and does not bind to any publicly accessible ports then it will only be internally accessible by the application container or other services that are in the same docker-compose.yml. It should be sufficient from a security standpoint AFAIK :slight_smile:

Thanks @justin and @modius!

That was the general sense that I got, but I just wanted to confirm that there wasn’t a need to set up some type of authentication.

I’m very new to memcached, though it’s been fairly easy to set up with Lucee, thanks to both of your posts/guides :slightly_smiling_face:

Are there any other concerns with regard to configuring memcached or tracking its logs? Or is it more of a set-it-and-forget-it type of service?

For us memcached is an “it just works” kind of service; nothing much to manage or maintain, and I’ve not seen it crash.

The only thing you might need to do is set a flag for specifying the amount of memory (-m num) to allocate if you think your session store will use any significant amount of memory.

You can also specify a verbose flag (-v, -vv, -vvv) so that debug info is outputted to the console (there’s no log files AFAIK), but since the data is probably binary there’s not much to see other than knowing that data is being stored or retrieved.

You can see more of the options and how to set them in a docker-compose file here;

Awesome; it’s really helpful to hear first-hand how other people are using and configuring it. Thanks again for your help!

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