Build Help... please

Great piece of kit!! I do hope you are able to assist as I’m looking forward to getting up and running.

I’m relatively new to FE dev and I having trouble the build process. I get the local server running but all I see after a (bundle exec) jekyll serve is n ‘Index of /’ page. How infuriating - I’m keen to dive in!!

I was wondering if you could outline the (correct) build process, step by step, to help me? It would be very much appreciated!

Many thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi @marmaliser

This is actually a bug in the _config.yml file which causes jekyll serve to look at the wrong root directory. I will get this fixed in 4.0.0-beta. However, in the meantime, you should be able to run the following commands to get the documentation site working:

  • grunt: compile all CSS to /css folder, compile all JavaScript to /js folder
  • grunt doc: build HTML which are used when running the documentation locally
  • grunt connect: this will get the working doc site running locally on http://localhost:9999 or or your http://your-local-ip-address:9999

Alternatively, opening the .html files from /gh-pages folder directly in your browser should work find as well.

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Perfect! I was able to get it running on gh-pages as you mention, I just had issues serving it locally.
Not any more - it’s working fine now :relaxed:

Great support guys, thanks.
