Daemonite Material Discourse Theme

Daemon have released a brand new, native theme for the Discourse forum based on the Google Material design guidelines.

What is a Discourse Native Theme?

Think of them as “mini” plugin that are only allowed to customize CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
Sam Saffron, Discourse Founder

You can install our Material theme into any modern Discourse forum by using the import option and the Github repo address:

As Flash as a Rat with a Gold Tooth

There’s a lot of effort in Materializing a design that didn’t start out that way. We’re happy with the result.

Topic Preview Plugin Support

Colourful Sub-Categories

New Topic; with Inbox inspiration

Menus, Buttons and Material Icons

Why build “another” Material based theme?

Yep. There’s already a really cool Material Stock theme for Discourse available. It’s a bit different in places, and even includes a DARK mode.

Our forum has been running it’s own Material theme for some time. We’ve finally wrapped this up into the new Discourse Theme format for distribution. Plus as we use the theme as the foundation for some other Discourse related projects we need something within our immediate control.

Overall i think the only way we can describe the visual differences is that ours is more Material; covers more elements in the style guide more accurately. That said, whether you like one or the other will probably boil down to personal preference – we make a few opinionated choices with respect to certain elements.

The theme is similar in approach to the Daemonite Material for Bootstrap 4 project:

While Discourse is not Bootstrap-based, we do adhere to the same Material principals advocated in that design project.

You can see the theme running live at our Labs forum:

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Have listed the Theme on the Discourse Meta forum; likely to get more feedback, updates, etc on there than here :wink:

nice theme :slight_smile: bravo!

I’m trying to upload the material design icon fonts in our discourse forum, and I faced a problem: though the fonts get updated, as well as the changes in the css, it doesn’t work.

is there anything especial in using material icon fonts?

Our trick is to not upload them :slight_smile: We just reference them direct from Google’s CDN.

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,300i,400,400i,500,500i,700,700i%7CRoboto+Mono%7CRoboto+Slab" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">

thanks a lot :slight_smile:
it solved the case .


Is this theme updated on github?
I installed it on our discourse installation and some drop down’s seems distorted. But, they look good on your discourse installation here.

What version of Discourse are you running? It’s possible there have been some changes that have altered the markup slightly.

If possible can you throw in some screenshots so we can see exactly what you’re seeing.

We are on current version:

Our discourse install is available here: https://www.truvisa.com


Clicking on Categories drop down shows like this:

The time selector drop down box does not show any option:

Hi @Anil_Gupta,

Daemonite Material Discourse theme has been updated to work with Discourse v2 beta :tada:.

Please try update the theme in your “Admin” settings and the issues you are experiencing now should all be addressed :wrench:.

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Thanks. Will update it and reply.

All issues that we saw earlier are fixed. Thanks a lot for your support.

One thing that we noticed is that Daemonite theme does NOT show the topic’s summary under first post.

This is a snapshot from Discourse official Material theme:

And this is Daemonite’s material theme for same post missing the summary block completely? Is this intentional?


An oversight… It is now fixed by the latest update.

Great. Thanks for quick fix.

I have some problem with the first button:


Also the tekst below the title is not displayed ?