Material for Bootstrap 4 released

Daemonite’s Material UI is a cross-platform and fully responsive front-end interface based on Google Material Design. This lightweight framework is built using Bootstrap 4. The basic idea behind this project is to combine the visual language of Google Material Design with the front-end technology of the popular Bootstrap framework.

It’s been in the works for a while, but we’ve had to keep it under wraps because of the excruciatingly slow release of the Bootstrap 4 Alpha. As the Bootstrap 4 project is starting to pick up momentum, we thought it was a good time to put our best foot forward.

We’ve changed the approach to a complete “drop-in” option for the bootstrap.css – you can literally swap the CSS on the Bootstrap 4 documentation site for a complete Material makeover. @sesemaya has laboured long and hard on backfilling the whole of Bootstrap markup, rather than just the Material equivalents. Then separately we’re extending Bootstrap to include those Material elements that are not represented in Bootstrap.

Documentation is a work in progress but this time we’re going to snarf the existing Bootstrap documentation site, apply the Material CSS and then only document extensions for Material only elements.


PS. Any feedback and/or contributions are most welcome :slight_smile:

Support is now available for various package managers…

Package Managers

Pull in Material’s source files into nearly any project with some of the most popular package managers.

npm install daemonite-material@4.0.0-alpha.1
bower install daemonite-material#4.0.0-alpha.1

Put together a quick note on why we made the decision to split between bootstrap.css and material.css.

Another release :slight_smile:

A little bit confusing in that our release is called v4.0.0-alpha.2 for Bootstrap’s alpha-5 release. We’ll marry up the version numbers in the next release.

Updated: v4.0.0-alpha.6

A lot of CSS has been re-written to work with the latest Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6 as it went through one of its biggest ships to date.

The brand new documentation site is also live at:

h/t @sesemaya